Financial Planning

Financial Planning

The financial planning part to this website is not meant to give you, the reader, an A-Z formula for how to invest your money in the stock market. Instead, this part of the website is going to look at financial planning from an asset protection point of view and try to introduce some new ideas for you to think about when putting together a financial plan.

Investment goals

Our philosophy is that you should take the “least amount of risk to reach your financial goals” (it sounds simple but few take this approach).

What are your investment goals?  Even better, have you sat down with someone to lay out your investment goals?  Most people have not.  Most people simply put their money in the stock market and hope that they chose the right stocks in their E-Trade account or 401(k)/IRA or that their “money manager” is doing a good job for them.

How have you done with your investment portfolio over the last 5, 10, 20 years?

Would you have been happy over the last 10-20 years with a  5-7% guaranteed rate of return* on an accumulation value (not walk away value) used to calculate/provide for you a guaranteed lifetime income* you can never outlive?  Most people would say yes. If you are interested in learning how to grow your wealth in this guaranteed manner, please click here.

No downside risk and tax-free growth and withdrawals

If you had money in the stock market over the last 10+ years, the chances it went backward 46% from 2000-2002 and 59% from 2007-March of 2009 is significant.

Our firm concentrates on using wealth-building tools that mitigate risk and allow your money to grow tax-free and be removed tax-free when you are ready for retirement. To learn how you can grow wealth with the least amount of risk and in a tax-free manner, please click here.


It is our hope and belief that many people surfing this website will truly be amazed at what they read/view. If you find what you read/view interesting or intriguing and would like to find out how our firm would use the tools covered to help you grow your wealth while lowering the amount of risk to reach your retirement, tax, and estate planning goals, please click here or phone 931-291-6934. To sign up for a free consultation or to just get more information click here.

*Any guarantees mentioned are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company and may be subject to caps, restrictions, fees, and surrender charges as described in the annuity contract

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